9. Click Browse, type a filename for the certificate file (decryption key) and then click Save to save the certificate (decryption key) on your PC.* When done, click Next.

* Caution: Do not save the certificate inside the folder that you encrypt.

10. Finally click Finish and OK when the export is completed.

11. You 're done. After applying the encryption, all the encrypted files/folders, will appear with a padlock icon. *

* Note: In previous versions of Windows (e.g. in Windows 7) the encrypted files/folders, appear with green letters on their filenames.

TIPS when using the EFS encryption method:
1. Specify a strong login password on Windows (at the PC where the encryption is applied).
2. Always backup the exported EFS recovery key (.pfx certificate) on another safe location (drive).
3. Do not email or copy the encrypted files on the network, because the encryption will be removed.
4. If you want to open (decrypt) the EFS encrypted files on another computer, you must install the certificate key (.pfx decryption key) first, by using the password you specified when you exported the EFS certificate-decryption key. To do that, double key on the exported certificate and follow the steps at the 'Import Certificate Wizard'.
5. Finally, if you want to remove the EFS encryption, on the computer where the EFS encryption is enabled (or on another computer after installing the certificate-decryption key), then:

a. Right-click on the encrypted folder/files and select File ownership -> Personal.

b. Then proceed to completely remove the installed certificate as follows:

1. Navigate to Windows Control Panel and open Internet Options.
2. At Content tab click Certificates.
3. At Personal tab, highlight the installed certificate and click Remove.

Method 4. How to Encrypt a Folder and its files by using Bit Locker.
A very secure method to protect your sensitive data with a password is by using the BitLocker Encryption program, which is currently embedded only in Professional and Enterprise versions of Windows (Windows 10, 8, 8.1 Pro or Windows 10 Enterprise & Windows 7 Ultimate).
Pros: Provides strong protection.
Cons: The downside of BitLocker is that is not available in Windows Home versions.

Proencryptor 1 7 7 – Encrypt Your Files Folder

To Password Protect a Folder with BitLocker:

Step 1. Create a Virtual Hard Drive (VHD).

In order to use BitLocker protection, you must create a VHD (aka 'file container'), and then to store the files that you want to encrypt on it. To do that:
1. Simultaneously press the Windows + R keys to open run command box.
2. Type diskmgmt.msc and press Enter.
3. In Disk Management, go to Action -> Create VHD
4. Click Browse and then, at the next screen, type a name for the BitLocker Volume (e.g. 'Virtual Drive') and click Save.
5. Then specify a size for the virtual disk according your needs (e.g. 300MB) and optionally check the Dynamically expanding in order to to automatically increase the defined size e.g. 300MB) if needed.
6. When done, click OK.
7. When the Virtual Disk creation is completed, you should see a new disk (e.g. 'Disk 1') with the label 'Not Initialized'.
8. Right click on the new disk and select Initialize Disk.
9. At 'Initialize Disk' window, leave the default setting (MBR) and click OK.
10. When the initialization is completed, right click on the unallocated space and create a New Simple Volume.
11. Click Next at all the screens to create a new volume and to format the drive.
12. When the format is completed, you will see a new VHD volume (e.g. with name 'New Volume (D:)' in disk manager (and in Windows Explorer).

Step 2. Protect the VHD Volume with BitLocker.

1. Navigate to Windows Control Panel (small icons) and open BitLocker Drive Encryption.
2. Then, click Turn on BitLocker to enable the encryption on the new volume (drive):
Proencryptor 1 7 7 – encrypt your files file
3. Check Use a password to unlock the drive, then type a strong password and then click Next.
4. At the next screen select where do you want to save the recovery key, in case you have problems unblocking the drive and then click Next. At this step, you have the following options:
5. At the next two (2) screens, click Next.
6. Finally click Start encrypting.
7. When the encryption is completed, open Windows Explorer and transfer the files that you want to protect in the new drive (VHD).
8. When you finish your job, right click on the new drive and choose Eject.
9. That's it!
TIPS when using the BitLocker encryption:
1. To change the BitLocker password or to remove (turn off) the BitLocker protection, navigate to Control Panel -> BitLocker Drive Encryption.
2.Always backup the BitLocker recovery key to another safe location (drive).
3. To access the contents on the BitLocker protected Virtual Disk (VHD), use one of the following methods:
Method 5. How to Encrypt Folders and Files by using VeraCrypt.
The last secure method to lock folders and files, is by using the VeraCrypt the free and powerful open source encryption software.
1. Provides Strong Protection
2. VeraCrypt can be used in all Windows versions (Home & Pro) and in Mac OSX and Linux.
3. It's Free!
Cons: –
To Encrypt your Files with VeraCrypt:

Step 1. Create a VeraCrypt Password Protected Volume:

To start encrypting your files with VeraCrypt, you must create a VeraCrypt volume (also known as 'VeraCrypt File Container'), which be actually an encrypted virtual disk (VHD) with your encrypted files.
1. Download and Install VeraCrypt on your PC. *
* Note: Always install VeraCrypt with local administrative privileges.
2. When the installation is completed, launch VeraCrypt and go to Volumes -> Create New Volume
3. At the first screen leave the default option (Create an encrypted file container) and click Next.
4. Press Next to create a Standard VeraCrypt volume.
5. At the Volume Location window, click Select File and then, at the next screen, type a name for the VeraCrypt Volume (e.g. 'Private') and click Save. When done click Next to continue.
6. Leave the default Encryption options (AES / SHA-512) and click Next. Atomic 1 0 4 equals.
7. At Volume Size, type a size for he new volume according your needs (e.g. 300MB) and click Next.
8. Now type a strong password* and click Next to continue.
* Note: A strong password must consisting of 20 or more characters and it must contain upper and lower case letters, numbers, special symbols, etc.

TIP: Check the 'Display Password' checkbox to verify what you typing.

9. At Volume Format options, select NTFS and optional check the Dynamic checkbox.* Then move your mouse as randomly as possible within the window to increase the cryptographic strength. When the 'Randomness' bar becomes green press Format.
* Note: If you choose the Dynamic option, the volume size will be increased dynamically if it exceeds the defined limit (e.g. of 300MB).
10. When the operation is completed click OK and then click Exit.

Step 2. Transfer the Files that you want to protect inside the VeraCrypt volume.

The final step, is to put the folders/files that your want to protect inside the VeraCrypt encrypted volume.
1. Launch VeraCrypt and mount the encrypted volume. To do that:
1. Select an available Drive letter.
2. Click Select file and choose the encrypted VeraCrypt volume (e.g. 'Private').
3. Click Mount.
4. Type the password and click OK.
2. When the mounting is done, open Windows Explorer and you will see a new local drive (with a size according to the one you had set, when you created the VeraCrypt volume).

Proencryptor 1 7 7 – Encrypt Your Files Google Drive

3. Now, transfer all the folders and files that you want to protect to the new drive.
4. When done, close Windows Explorer and from VeraCrypt menu select Dismount.
5. You 're done! Just follow the same procedure to work with your protected files in the future.
That’s it! Let me know if this guide has helped you by leaving your comment about your experience. Please like and share this guide to help others.

Proencryptor 1 7 7 – Encrypt Your Files File

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